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Кои са някои добри LEGO филми?

Ето някои популярни LEGO филми:

- Филмът LEGO (2014)

- Филмът LEGO Batman (2017)

- Филмът LEGO Ninjago (2017)

- The LEGO Movie 2:The Second Part (2019)

- LEGO DC Super Heroes:Justice League - Gotham City Breakout (2016)

- LEGO DC Super Heroes:Justice League - Attack of the Legion of Doom (2015)

- LEGO DC Super Heroes:Batman Be-Leaguered (2014)

- LEGO Star Wars:The Freemaker Adventures (2016-2017)

- LEGO Star Wars:All-Stars (2018)

- LEGO:Jurassic World - The Indominus Escape (2015)


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